Entries by admin

Doug Casey on What Happens After the Next 9/11

Is a police state in the US possible? Absolutely. That’s because people are essentially the same the world over, regardless of their culture, religion, race, or what-have-you. A certain percentage of them are sociopaths. There is a standard distribution of sociopaths across time and space. It’s a function of Pareto’s Law, better known as the […]

Kite in a Tree

When I was a boy, cartoonist Charles Schulz introduced a new comic strip called Peanuts. Its central premise was children having the same problems as adults, and it was an instant hit. There were several recurring themes and, each autumn, the cartoonist would have his main character, Charlie Brown, attempt to fly a kite. At first […]

6 Cryptocurrencies Putting Bitcoin’s Jaw-Dropping Rally To Shame

Editor’s Note: Given the current extreme volatility of cryptocurrencies, all prices quoted below were accurate at time of writing. We cannot be held responsible for changes to pricing and percentages that occur after publication. Arguably the biggest craze in global financial markets in 2017 was the cryptocurrency takeover. A simple glance at Google search over the […]

Tokyo Won’t Go to War… This Time

When I visited the memorial at Pearl Harbor, I briefly wondered if the Japanese were simply suicidal. Why start an uncertain battle with a much more powerful opponent? Japan’s leaders knew the US military was far superior when they attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941. The attack killed over 2,400 people and brought […]

Doug Casey on the New Fed Chair

A few words are in order about the likely new Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell. I don’t know the man personally. Not that it would make any difference; denizens of the swamp within the Beltway usually present well, and a brief meeting rarely allows you to penetrate someone’s social veneer. But I’m pretty […]


Political Pizza

Over the years, I’ve often been asked to explain the political party system in a simple, easy-to-grasp way. Several years ago, I came up with the following explanation, and, for some people, it’s helped to remove the complexity and smoke and mirrors created by the political world. Let’s see if you agree. Picture this: You […]

Avoid This New Marijuana Fund—Buy These Stocks Instead

There’s a new way to invest in marijuana… A few weeks from now, Tierra Funds will introduce the first U.S. marijuana exchange-traded fund (ETF). Tierra will call its new fund the Alternative Agroscience ETF. It will invest in marijuana cultivators, medical marijuana drugmakers, and companies that serve the industry. It will allow investors to bet […]