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I don’t often comment on specific world leaders or isolated political events, choosing instead to look at the big picture as much as possible and what it may mean to the reader’s future.
However, I’ve repeatedly been asked to comment on the liberal press (worldwide, but particularly in the US) reporting false news regarding Donald Trump. This, of course, is an ongoing trend, but the reports appear to be increasing in frequency, severity of criticism and, indeed, pettiness. The image shown above is a good example. Mister Trump is seen dumping fish food to some koi in Japan. The liberal press berated him for this “crude and murderous act.” They stated that Prime Minister Shinzō Abe looked on in horror as he did this, since, as most people know, it’s easy to overfeed pet fish and kill them. In actual fact, it was Mister Abe who first dumped his box of food to the fish. Mister Trump simply followed his lead… but that part of the video had been removed by the liberal media, in order to unfairly discredit Mister Trump.
Of course, this report in the liberal media is extremely easy to debunk, merely by showing the entire sequence of events. As these reports on liberal television news networks are becoming increasingly frequent and yet increasingly transparent, non-liberals are increasingly stating that the liberal media is becoming so discredited as a result of “fake news” that it may soon self-destruct, as their viewers will surely abandon them in favour of honest reporting. Nothing could be more incorrect. The critics of the liberal media, of course, are looking at the situation from their own point of view, rather than from the point of view of liberals. If they were to do the latter, it would become apparent that the trend by the liberal media is, in fact, highly successful and sustainable. In attempting to understand where this trend is headed, it might be helpful for those opposed to the liberal media to begin with the following assumptions:
At present, the US may well be in a state of the greatest political polarization in its history. This has been created by both the liberal andconservative media. The American people have been living under an economic cloud since 2008 and, from a visceral standpoint, they want someone (not themselves) to be blamed for it. The media have happily played into this need.
Half of the American public detest President Trump, and are only too happy to be fed further fuel for their hatred. For the most part, they choose to view only the television networks that support their view and, therefore, will only rarely learn that a story has been falsified. In addition, on the occasions that they do learn that their favoured networks have falsified events, they will not care. They may well regard this as mere rumour, or, worse, false denials from the conservative media. As a result, they’ll be more determined than ever to detest the Trump Monster. When people are angry, they must have a demon to blame. Even on those occasions in which the average citizen is directly confronted with solid reason for doubting his favoured media programmes, this is tantamount to challenging his religion. The exposé will either be derided or entirely discounted by him. It should be borne in mind that, since the dawn of collectivist thinking, an essential premise has been that the falsification of facts is essential in controlling the proletariat. Both George Orwell and Aldous Huxley warned extensively of this in their books. And, collectivist leaders have also chimed in on this method of indoctrination, which each of them employed successfully: “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” – Vladimir Lenin “Print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon of our party.” – Joseph Stalin “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it and eventually, they will believe it.” – Joseph Goebbels “The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret in tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.” – Maximilien Robespierre To be fair, it’s not the liberal media alone that tends to practice this method. The conservative media do the same, albeit generally, to a lesser degree. But the takeaway here should be that the liberal media are not on the verge of self-destruction. They are, in fact, satisfying their audience as never before. So, how does this all play out? Well, if we can rely on historically similar situations, what we’re likely to see is a country that becomes ever more divided, with left hating right and right hating left to an ever greater degree, as economic and social conditions worsen. There can be little doubt that Mister Trump will leave office in disgrace in the view of at least half the American population. Whether he leaves forcefully or voluntarily, we cannot yet foresee, but we can be certain that the cry for him to be removed will become increasingly louder and, in the eyes of liberal media viewers, ever more justified. In the wake of his exit, I believe that it will be easier than ever before in US history to usher in a new collectivist candidate who can be presented as the American saviour—someone who will promise “a chicken in every pot,” to be paid for by the “greedy” one percent, of which the Trump Monster is considered to be a textbook example. When I was a boy, the cinemas ran “monster movies” every Saturday. In each such movie, the monster was always destroyed in the end. This particular movie will end the same way. “Fake” news, however, will not end. Quite the opposite. It will thrive. Regards, Jeff Thomas Editor’s Note: Not long ago, financial industry icon Bill Bonner sent an urgent memo to Team Trump. Bill warned the White House of a slow-building crisis he’s been tracking since the 1970s. Today, that crisis is quickly closing in on us. That’s why Bill decided to reveal the contents of his private warning in his new book. Click here to claim your hardcover copy of Bill’s new book now. |
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Trago-lhe uma denúncia importante: estão a tentar matar a Bitcoin.
Este documento, recentemente publicado, revela todos os detalhes desse plano.
Além disso, neste link vai ficar também a saber:
Terra Tech plummeted 36% on Thursday.
Terra Tech isn’t a household name. But it’s the largest publicly traded U.S. marijuana stock.
It wasn’t the only major U.S. marijuana stock that plunged on Thursday, either.
MassRoots, a marijuana media company, fell 40%. General Cannabis, a marijuana services company, fell 40% as well.
Even Scotts Miracle-Gro got swept up in the hurricane—and it’s not even a marijuana company. It’s a fertilizer company. But many of its customers are marijuana growers.
It was a full-blown panic.
• International Man readers aren’t used to seeing marijuana stocks falling…
That’s because the industry’s been in an explosive rally since last summer.
In fact, the U.S. Marijuana Index, which tracks 15 major U.S. marijuana stocks, has more than tripled in value since July.
So, what triggered this bloodbath?
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• The answer is Jeff Sessions…
Sessions is the U.S. attorney general. He’s also a notorious drug warrior.
In fact, he once called marijuana “slightly less awful” than heroin. He also believes “good people don’t smoke marijuana.”
In short, he’s no fan of marijuana.
That said, Sessions has largely left the marijuana industry alone since he was sworn into office in February.
But last week, Sessions rescinded the Cole Memo. This policy tells federal prosecutors to treat marijuana as a state issue.
In other words, Sessions just opened the door for a possible federal crackdown.
That’s a big concern for marijuana companies.
• It’s also why marijuana stocks tanked on Thursday…
But here’s the thing…
Sessions can’t kill the legal marijuana industry.
It’s simply too big.
The U.S. marijuana market is already a $6.5 billion industry. And it’s expected to grow to $50 billion by 2026. That would make it bigger than the American craft beer and chocolate markets combined.
What’s more, 165,000 people already work in the U.S. marijuana industry. And employment will skyrocket as the industry grows.
In fact, New Frontier Data projects the legal marijuana industry will create almost 300,000 jobs by 2020. That’s more than the Bureau of Labor Statistics expects from manufacturing, utilities, and government jobs.
Marijuana sales are also a huge tax revenue generator for states where it’s legal.
Take Colorado. It legalized medicinal marijuana in 2000. It then legalized recreational marijuana in 2014.
In 2016, Colorado did $1.3 billion in marijuana sales. And the state collected $200 million in tax revenues from marijuana sales.
Colorado’s not alone, either. California, Washington, and Oregon all depend on marijuana sales for tax revenue.
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• Local politicians aren’t going to let Sessions go after the industry…
Here’s a quote from Illinois State Senator Heather Steans:
Consumers already have easy access to marijuana and rolling back this guidance is short sighted.
Steans also said that cracking down on the industry will push more people to buy marijuana on the black market.
Steans isn’t the only concerned politician fighting back, either.
On Thursday, Colorado Republican Senator Cory Gardner called Sessions’ decision a “complete reversal,” noting that “Sessions told me there would be no plans to reverse the Cole memorandum.”
Garden also said he will put a hold on all Justice Department nominations until Sessions reverses his stance.
In short, Sessions would face immense pressure if he goes after the industry. The backlash would be next to impossible to overcome.
Not only that, the average American favors marijuana legalization. According to a recent Gallup survey, 64% of Americans think cannabis should be totally legal. That’s an all-time high.
• Investors are realizing Sessions will fail, too…
Just look at the U.S. Marijuana Index I mentioned earlier. It’s up 26% today.
Many individual U.S. marijuana stocks are up even more. In fact, Terra Tech and MassRoots are up 30% and 48%, respectively, as we go to press.
Those are monster gains. But you must realize two things…
One, most U.S. marijuana stocks are still well off their all-time highs. They’re a bargain compared to where they were trading before Sessions opened his mouth.
And more importantly, as I’ve shown you over the last few months, the bull market in marijuana stocks is just getting started.
So, consider buying marijuana stocks while there’s still blood in the streets. Just remember to treat marijuana stocks as a speculation.
Don’t bet more money than you can afford to lose. Use stop losses. And take profits when you get them.
Neste início de 2018 pretendo falar-lhe do tema mais quente do momento: as moedas digitais.
E nem poderia ser de outra forma.
Veja só a performance desta criptomoeda desde o início de 2013 até agora:
Adianto-lhe já que estamos a falar de uma valorização na ordem dos +118.534%.
Se perdeu esta hipótese, não desespere.
Posso afirmar com toda a convicção que tem agora uma nova oportunidade de ganhar muito dinheiro com um investimento digital.
Um abraço,
Pedro Gonçalves
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Public pensions are a financial time bomb… and I see two ways to profit from the explosion.
In the US, unfunded public pension liabilities have surpassed $5 trillion. And that’s during an epic stock and bond market bubble. Predictably, the government’s go-to “solution” is already making matters worse. At first, distressed states simply increase taxes. The state comptroller of Illinois—the most financially troubled state thanks to its pension crisis—summed it up well. He said: “We can’t go bankrupt and we can’t print money. Taxpayers are going to have to pay this bill.” State governments always squeeze property owners the hardest. In 2016, Americans paid over $300 billion in property taxes. In Illinois and other states, property tax bills exceeding $10,000 per year are not uncommon.
Most governments continually raise property tax rates, especially governments in bad financial health. It’s easy to simply ratchet up property taxes to bring in more revenue. Case in point: Greece, where the country’s bankrupt government has made owning property a burden. The following excerpt from The Guardian shows just how far Greece’s government has gone (emphasis mine): The joke now doing the rounds is: if you want to punish your child, you threaten to pass on property to them… Greeks traditionally have always regarded property as a secure investment. But now it has become a huge millstone, given that the tax burden has increased sevenfold in the past two years alone. It’s happened in Greece. It’s happened in Illinois, which has some of the highest property taxes in the US (and rising). And it will happen elsewhere, especially in states struggling to meet pension obligations. Here’s an excerpt from a local Chicago news outlet. The telling headline reads “Cook County property tax bills cause outrage”: “Our taxes increased fivefold,” said William Phillips of Rogers Park. “I was expecting it to go up maybe twice as much but not four to five times as much.” “My tax bill increased almost $1,200 dollars,” said Cornes King of Chatham. “More than tripled. The city’s piece more than tripled,” said Logan Square resident Janelle Squire. Fleecing Taxpayers Won’t Fix This CrisisPoliticians don’t seem to realize (or care) that it’s mathematically impossible—and counterproductive—to try to solve the pension crisis by raising taxes. Even if tax rates double in places like Illinois, it still won’t solve the problem. And that’s assuming the overall tax collected stays the same—which it wouldn’t. Higher taxes would make more people leave the state and actually decrease the amount collected. This trend is already underway. More than half a million people have left Illinois over the past decade. That includes over 3,000 millionaires who’ve fled Chicago in recent months. Many left for a simple reason: rising taxes. Nonetheless, raising taxes is exactly what politicians are doing. And they’ll continue to do it, even though they’re long past the point of diminishing returns.
The Other Easy “Solution”Ultimately, the Federal Reserve will paper over the pension crisis by printing more currency. Politically, it seems impossible that the government would default outright on its promises to millions of its own employees when the Fed can simply print more currency. Ultimately, this will turn a local debt crisis into a national currency crisis. And many states will effectively default on their pension obligations anyway, since those payouts will be made with depreciated currency. The pension crisis has clear investment implications for gold. When the government tries to “solve” the pension crisis with the printing press, I expect investors to rush into gold. Gold has been a reliable safe-haven asset for thousands of years. Unlike paper money, it has intrinsic value. That value does not depend on a politician’s promise. I think gold will reach not just multi-year highs, but all-time highs. That’s why you should position yourself now. I think everyone should own some physical gold. Gold is the ultimate form of wealth insurance. It’s preserved wealth through every kind of crisis imaginable. It will preserve wealth during the next crisis, too. Gold Isn’t the Only Way to ProfitThe pension crisis is making states desperate for every penny they can get. That desperation is making them open to new ideas. Necessity has a way of quickly changing people’s minds. Because of that, I expect many states to further soften their marijuana laws as they look for more sources of revenue. In many of the states that have or will legalize cannabis, the tax revenue will exceed that of alcohol and tobacco. That’s not something a cash-strapped state can turn away from. Just look at what’s happened in Colorado, which legalized recreational use in 2012. In 2016, its marijuana industry generated $1.3 billion in sales and $200 million in tax revenue. A decade ago, Colorado was receiving zero in marijuana taxes. The industry has also generated over $250 million in taxes for Washington state already. In California, a recent study estimated that cannabis taxes would bring in at least $1.4 billion dollars each year. Soon, cannabis tax revenue will become a permanent part of many state budgets. This will encourage other states to follow suit. Cannabis taxes will generate a lot of money. Still, legalizing and taxing marijuana won’t solve the multitrillion-dollar pension crisis. However, for our purposes as investors, it doesn’t have to. We’re betting that the pension crisis will boost the US marijuana industry. It’s already forcing states to look for new sources of revenue. Inevitably (and probably soon), they’ll find the economic benefits of legalized marijuana too good to pass up. Legalized medical marijuana has already been approved in 29 states, plus Washington, DC. And eight states (plus DC) have approved recreational use. It’s only a matter of time before other states start cashing in on this trend, too. And the best way for investors to cash in on the coming US legal marijuana boom is through select publicly traded cannabis companies. Those who get into these companies stand to make a fortune in the months ahead. Of course, no investment is risk-free. Especially with young companies in a brand-new industry. There is also the risk of a federal crackdown. But given the sheer amount of tax revenue and jobs at stake, I think this is very unlikely. Sooner rather than later, the Deep State is going to throw in the towel on the War on (some) Drugs. Until next time,
P.S. Legal marijuana is now the fastest-growing business on earth. Forbes even wrote it’s “the best ground-floor opportunity we’ve seen since the early days of the internet.” And while fortunes have been made with marijuana, most folks still don’t know how to find the best pot stocks. If you think marijuana legalization is inevitable, and want to get in on the ground floor of the most promising marijuana companies, join Doug Casey and me in our new Marijuana Millionaire Summit. Click here to find out how you can attend at 8 p.m. ET tonight—for free.
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Há 300 mil anos, o homem de Neandertal estava sobre a Terra. Ele tinha ombros mais largos, era mais baixo e mais forte do que o ser humano atual. Essas características garantiram sua sobrevivência durante muito tempo.
Naquela época, se você olhasse para o sistema de vida do nosso planeta, veria uma cadeia alimentar na qual o homem, de qualquer espécie, ocupava uma posição mediana. Indo além, se você olhasse a configuração hierárquica animal da época, veria que a força era o elemento principal de dominância.
Ou seja, um leão caçava os gnus porque esses eram mais fracos. Da mesma forma que as hienas se alimentavam das sobras deixadas pelo leão, os humanos comiam apenas o que as hienas deixavam. Era uma cadeia na qual o mais forte sempre tinha o melhor alimento, enquanto os mais fracos pereciam ou se alimentavam dos restos.
Então, se olhasse para aquele período, você diria que o Homo neanderthalensis teria mais chances de sobreviver do que o Homo sapiens, dada a constatação de que um era mais forte do que o outro. Mas um detalhe que não poderia ser previsto aconteceu e favoreceu este último, nossa atual espécie.
O desenvolvimento do cérebro foi o principal fator determinante para que o Homo sapiens prevalecesse sobre os demais hominídeos que habitavam a terra. Exatamente a característica que qualquer um poderia ignorar olhando a configuração pré-histórica foi a mais crucial para o futuro da humanidade.
E é por isso que o passado não deve ser o nosso mapa para o futuro – em qualquer investimento, mas para cripto isso é primordial. Nesse novo paradigma do universo digital, um ano equivale à separação entre a pré-história e a história. Por isso, qualquer aposta baseada no que aconteceu no ano passado resulta em apenas usar um mapa errado que leva a lugares indesejados.
Mas, em termos práticos, o que isso significa?
Bem, até o presente momento, vimos criptomoedas que continham fortes alicerces baseados nos mecanismos de mineração, como o bitcoin, o litecoin e o ether. A rede de incentivos criada para fazer com que os mineradores dessem suporte ao blockchain foi a característica que nos fez chegar até aqui.
No entanto, não é necessariamente ela que vai ser a responsável pelos próximos passos que daremos nesse universo de criptoativos. Talvez a rede de mineradores possa ser comparada à força, que fez o homem chegar ao meio da cadeia alimentar. Mas, como mencionei, não foi o porte físico que o colocou no topo da cadeia alimentar. Então, pode ser que a responsável por fazer as criptomoedas chegarem ao topo do sistema financeiro também não seja a rede de mineradores.
Por isso, devemos abrir os olhos para as criptos com características que destoam das mais antigas, por exemplo, as pré-mineradas. Uma delas é a ripple, que disparou nas últimas semanas e não tem mineradores, pois todas as moedas já existem e 38 por cento já estão em circulação no mercado. Mas os diferenciais da ripple não param por aí, pois, em contraste com as criptomoedas mais antigas, ela é centralizada e tem por trás uma empresa que coordena suas atividades. Além disso, diferente do bitcoin, a criptomoeda nasceu com a proposta de se aliar aos bancos, e não de ir contra eles.
Pode parecer um contrassenso dentro do universo cripto, mas, como você pôde notar, na evolução da nossa espécie, uma característica nada trivial foi decisiva para nos estabelecermos como os únicos hominídeos no mundo e ascendermos ao topo da cadeia alimentar.
É por esse motivo que devemos fugir das trivialidades e buscar por coisas únicas que diferenciem um criptoativo dos demais. Somente assim estaremos sendo racionais o bastante e procurando características que façam sentido para o futuro, e não para o passado.
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Buying marijuana in California is now as easy as buying beer.
On January 1, it finally became legal for adults age 21 and up to buy recreational cannabis in the state. This was the true tipping point. It practically doubled the US legal cannabis market overnight. Now that recreational pot is legal in California, the US legal marijuana market is expected to grow from $6.5 billion to $50 billion by 2026. That would make it the same size as the American craft beer and chocolate markets combined. At this point, it’s nearly impossible to reverse the legalization trend—both in the US and globally. California is just too enormous in terms of people, money, and influence. Think about it… the state has the world’s sixth largest economy. Only China, Japan, Germany, the UK, and the US as a whole are larger. The new jobs and desperately needed tax revenue (an estimated $1.4 billion annually) will make it politically impossible for the state’s government to roll back legalization. Likewise, because of California’s sheer size, it will be politically and practically impossible for the US federal government to roll it back, either.
I expect many other US states to legalize recreational use in the near future, especially those with budget problems. (To date, 29 states have approved legalized medical marijuana and eight states have approved recreational use. Washington, DC, has also approved both.) The end of marijuana prohibition in the US became inevitable the moment California voters decided to legalize recreational use. Reversing this trend now would be more difficult than pushing a 20,000 pound boulder back up a mountain with your bare hands. However, most of Wall Street—and most US politicians—haven’t come to terms with this yet. Change is hard to accept, especially for pencil pushers. That’s why the situation in California represents such a huge opportunity. Investing in the nascent cannabis industry right now is like investing in the beer industry at the tail end of Prohibition. Fortunes are going to be made. And you can be a part of that. The Birth of a $150 Billion IndustryThe United Nations estimates the global cannabis market to be worth around $150 billion annually. I think that’s conservative. For perspective, about $33 billion worth of coffee is produced annually. So, the marijuana market is about four or five times bigger than the coffee market. It’s also bigger than the iron, copper, aluminum, silver, corn, and wheat markets. You can see how these commodity markets stack up in the chart below. Until now, almost all of this money has been underground. But that’s about to change. The end of marijuana prohibition means we can finally profit off marijuana without risking jail time. Widespread marijuana legalization is inevitable. It’s happening. And it’s unleashing a $150 billion market that was once underground. Those profits are up for grabs.
In the coming months, many investors will make life-changing fortunes as the marijuana market steps into the light. For now, though, marijuana is still illegal in most places. Up until recently, that made it virtually impossible for regular investors to cash in on the lucrative marijuana trade. Prohibition has funneled billions of dollars in profits to drug lords, corrupt government officials, and thugs. Those days are numbered… I’ve never seen an opportunity with as much profit potential as legal marijuana has right now. I think investors could make an absolute killing in the US “green rush.” Until next time,
P.S. On January 10 at 8 p.m. ET, I’ll be hosting a free webinar with legendary speculator Doug Casey that shows you how to get rich in the “second” marijuana boom. We’re calling this event the New Marijuana Millionaire Summit. During the summit, we’ll share details on how anyone with a few hundred dollars can position themselves into the future “Amazon” and “Home Depot” of the legal pot industry. If you missed the first wave of marijuana investing, don’t worry. It’s not too late to become the next marijuana millionaire. Click here to reserve your seat right away.
Por vezes a ignorância é uma benção. Pessoas comuns vivem suas vidas sem preocupações assumindo risco que nem sabem que existem. Torço muito para que nada lhes aconteça mas o comum é que em algum momento o pior acontece. Ai a pessoa se vê desesperada, sem saber o que fazer e por vezes nada mais há o que fazer a não ser arcar com as consequências.
Pensemos uma criança que sempre juntou dinheiro. Valor este vindo de mesadas e presentes de aniversário e natal acumulados ao longo da vida. Pois bem aos vinte e poucos anos esta criança havia acumulado uma boa quantia. Ela nunca foi instruída a declarar tais recursos.
Então chega a idade limite que uma pessoa pode ser dependente de outra (normalmente pai ou mãe). A ex criança viu-se então obrigada a informar a Receita Federal sobre sua quantia. Se não fizesse isto, o banco na qual o dinheiro encontrava-se depositado o faria.
A quantia não teria lastro uma vez que o indivíduo nunca havia trabalhado, portanto não há explicação de como aquele dinheiro apareceu. Além disto a quantia era suficiente para que lhe fosse aplicada alíquota mais alta de Imposto de Renda (27,5%).
Revoltado e sem saber o que fazer finalmente recebeu um bom conselho de alguém que entendia da área. A solução foi: seu pai lhe fez um empréstimo no montante total, sem juros. Por ser pai não levanta-se suspeita em efetivar um empréstimo sem juros. O pai possuía lastro suficiente e naquele ano não havia acumulado recursos de forma que não pudesse efetivar o empréstimo.
No fim tudo correu bem, porém o “empréstimo levou 5 anos para ser “pago” perante a receita federal.
Dilma Rouseff entende bem deste tipo de artimanha. Em certo ano verificou-se que a mesma declarou ter R$ 150 mil em espécie guardado em casa. Quando contestada porque guardava tais recursos afirmou que ainda tinha trauma da época da guerrilha onde precisava de dinheiro vivo para sobreviver caso algo ocorresse.
Muito pertinente a resposta, porém tais recursos também poderiam ser utilizados como lastro para recebimento de caixa 2 uma vez que bastaria que se alterasse a contabilização de dinheiro em espécie para saldo em conta bancária.
Portanto, o conhecimento é a melhor proteção patrimonial que pode existir.
Seguindo a explanação sobre asneiras normalmente cometidas partimos agora para o ramo imobiliário. Nosso ponto de partida é a compra e venda de imóvel ou terreno sem observar todas as certidões do imóvel ou assinando apenas um contrato de gaveta que nunca foi a registro público.
Outro caso é um casal que adquire seu primeiro imóvel, um apartamento pequeno de apenas 1 quarto. São casados em comunhão parcial de bens, porém na escritura colocam que cada um possui 50% do imóvel. Isto trata-se de uma redundância. Digamos agora que um dos cônjuges também possua um outro apartamento que deseja vende-lo.
O governo dá uma isenção fiscal para quem vende seu único imóvel, não efetuou outra venda no período de 5 anos e venda-o por até R$ 440 mil. Porém, como possui 50% do outro imóvel perderá este benefício.
Outro ponto crucial se dá em um momento de muito sofrimento. Imaginemos que um adolescente seja o único herdeiro de uma família que possuía um bom apartamento em bairro nobre da cidade.
O imóvel foi comprado ha muitos anos e seu valor na declaração de imposto de renda do falecido é irrisória. Pensemos um imóvel que hoje vale R$ 1 milhão e está declarado por R$ 200 mil. O herdeiro precisará pagar ITCMD (Imposto de Transmissão Causa Mortis)na alíquota de 4%.
O que a maioria das pessoas não sabe é que o governo irá reavaliar o imóvel no momento da transferência. Ainda que não seja pelo valor de mercado (R$ 1 milhão) alguma valorização será incluída. Desta forma antes do inventário ser concluído, o herdeiro deverá pagar 15% de imposto de renda sobre o “lucro auferido”.
Por vezes grandes patrimônios familiares se esvaem por falta de liquidez por parte do herdeiro. É comum aparecer oportunistas dispostos a pagar o Imposto e adquirir o imóvel por um preço vil. Sem outra alternativa e ainda em estado frágil o herdeiro acaba por aceitar tais propostas.
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