Já escrevemos outras vezes sobre como o mercado de bitcoin é infestado de pessoas ligadas a tráfico de drogas, lavagem de dinheiro, terrorismo e coisas piores. Também já dissemos que os usuários compram, vendem e armazenam seus bitcoins em “corretoras” (também conhecidas como “exchanges”) que são, na verdade, redes de computadores não sujeitas a qualquer Gpo de regulação ou verificação e que, algumas vezes, desaparecem ou quebram, levando junto os bitcoins de seus clientes. Essas corretoras estão agora na mira das autoridades fiscais, órgãos reguladores de valores mobiliários e órgãos de repressão ao crime. Os usuários podem ter surpresas 7 3 desagradáveis quando algumas corretoras forem fechadas e seus bitcoins confiscados, ou quando começarem a receber cobranças de impostos sobre lucros não realizados de transações antigas. Este ar?go expõe ainda mais o ponto fraco (e podre) do ecossistema do bitcoin. A maior parte da “mineração” de bitcoin é feita na China, porque a mineração depende de um poder computacional gigantesco e de uma quantidade enorme de energia elétrica para manter o funcionamento e a refrigeração das máquinas. A eletricidade é barata na China porque é subsidiada pelo governo, por meio de uma grande rede de usinas termelétricas a carvão (uma das razões pelas quais o ar nessas regiões é preto e nocivo à saúde). Os mineradores fazem parte de um “clube” (descrito no artigo) cujas ambições vão além do bitcoin. A tentação dos mineradores chineses de dominar a tecnologia de registro distribuído não ocorre em computação com o governo, mas em cooperação com este. Trata-se de uma iniciativa que visa desestabilizar e, por fim, destruir os sistemas de pagamentos existentes, inclusive aqueles baseados no dólar americano. Ao mesmo tempo, na China, o Xpico comprador de bitcoin não tem fé no valor da criptomoeda no longo prazo, apenas a considera uma especulação que parece mais favorável quando comparada às limitadas opções de invesGmento de que dispõe a maioria dos investidores chineses (basicamente, ações e imóveis, dois aGvos que já estão com preços inflados). Os chineses sabem que o bitcoin vai despencar; eles apenas acreditam que conseguirão repassar seus bitcoins para algum otário antes que o mercado quebre.
“Inflation” occurs when the creation of currency outruns the creation of real wealth it can bid for… It isn’t caused by price increases; rather, it causes price increases.
Inflation is not caused by the butcher, the baker, or the auto maker, although they usually get blamed. On the contrary, by producing real wealth, they fight the effects of inflation. Inflation is the work of government alone, since government alone controls the creation of currency.
In a true free-market society, the only way a person or organization can legitimately obtain wealth is through production. “Making money” is no different from “creating wealth,” and money is nothing but a certificate of production. In our world, however, the government can create currency at trivial cost, and spend it at full value in the marketplace. If taxation is the expropriation of wealth by force, then inflation is its expropriation by fraud.
To inflate, a government needs complete control of a country’s legal money. This has the widest possible implications, since money is much more than just a medium of exchange. Money is the means by which all other material goods are valued. It represents, in an objective way, the hours of one’s life spent in acquiring it. And if enough money allows one to live life as one wishes, it represents freedom as well. It represents all the good things one hopes to have, do, and provide for others. Money is life concentrated.
As the state becomes more powerful and is expected to provide more resources to selected groups, its demand for funds escalates. Government naturally prefers to avoid imposing more taxes as people become less able (or willing) to pay them. It runs greater budget deficits, choosing to borrow what it needs. As the market becomes less able (or willing) to lend it money, it turns to inflation, selling ever greater amounts of its debt to its central bank, which pays for the debt by printing more money.
As the supply of currency rises, it loses value relative to other things, and prices rise. The process is vastly more destructive than taxation, which merely dissipates wealth. Inflation undermines and destroys the basis for valuing all goods relative to others and the basis for allocating resources intelligently. It creates the business cycle and causes the resulting misallocations and distortions in the economy.
We know the old saw “The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.” No one ever said life had to be fair, but usually there is no a priori reason why the rich must get richer. In a free-market society the sayings “Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations” and “A fool and his money are soon parted” might be better descriptions of reality. We do not live in a free-market society, however.
The rich and the poor do have a tendency to draw apart as a society becomes more bureaucratic, but not because of any cosmic law. It’s a consequence of any highly politicized system. Government, to paraphrase Willie Sutton, is where the money is. The bigger government becomes, the more effort the rich, and those who want to get that way, will put into making the government do things their way.
Only the rich can afford the legal counsel it takes to weave and dodge through the laws that restrict the masses. The rich can afford the accountants to chart a path through loopholes in the tax laws. The rich have the credit to borrow and thereby profit from inflation. The rich can pay to influence how the government distorts the economy, so that the distortions are profitable to them.
The point is not that rich people are bad guys (the political hacks who cater to them are a different question). It is just that in a heavily regulated, highly taxed, and inflationary society, there’s a strong tendency for the rich to get richer at the expense of the poor, who are hurt by the same actions of the government.
Always, and without exception, the most socialistic, or centrally planned, economies have the most unequal distribution of wealth. In those societies the unprincipled become rich, and the rich stay that way, through political power. In free societies, the rich can get richer only by providing goods and services others want at a price they can afford.
As inflation gets worse, there will be a growing public outcry for government to do something, anything, about it.
People will join political action committees, lobbying groups, and political parties in hopes of gaining leverage to impose their will on the country at large, ostensibly for its own good.
Possible government “solutions” will include wage and price controls, credit controls, restrictions on changing jobs, controls on withdrawing money from bank accounts, import and export restrictions, restrictions on the use of cash to prevent tax evasion, nationalization, even martial law—almost anything is possible. None of these “solutions” addresses the root cause—state intervention in the economy. Each will just make things worse rather than better.
What these solutions all share is their political nature; in order to work they require that some people be forced to obey the orders of others.
Whether you or I or a taxi driver on the street thinks a particular solution is good or not is irrelevant. All of the problems that are just beginning to crash down around society’s head (e.g., a bankrupt Social Security system, federally protected banks that are bankrupt, a monetary system gone haywire) used to be solutions, and they must have seemed “good” at the time, otherwise they’d never have been adopted.
The real problem is not what is done but rather how it is done: that is, through the political process or through the free market. The difference is that between coercion and voluntarism. It’s also the difference between getting excited, frustrated, and beating your head against a wall and taking positive action to improve your own standard of living, to live life the way you like it, and, by your own example, to influence society in the direction that you’d like to see it take—but without asking the government to hold a gun to anyone’s head.
Political action can change things. Russians in the ’20s, Germans in the ’30s, Chinese in the ’40s, Cubans in the ’50s, Congolese in the ’60s, South Vietnamese and Cambodians in the ’70s, then Rhodesians, Bosnians, Rwandans, and Venezuelans today are among those who certainly discovered it can. It’s just that the changes usually aren’t very constructive.
That’s the nature of government; it doesn’t create wealth, it only allocates what others have created. More typically, it either dissipates wealth or misallocates it, because it acts in ways that are politically productive (i.e., that gratify and enhance the power of politicians) rather than economically productive (i.e., that allow individuals to satisfy their desires in the ways they prefer).
It’s irresponsible to base your own life on what hundreds of millions of other people and their rulers may or may not do. The essence of being a free person is to be causative over your own actions and destiny, not to be the effect of others. You can’t control what others will do, but you can control yourself.
If you’re counting on other people, or political solutions of some type, most likely it will make you unwary and complacent, secure in the hope that “they” know what they’re doing and you needn’t get yourself all flustered with worries about the collapse of the economy.
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“I placed about $300 into [the Ethereum of China]. I was left nearly speechless last night when I discovered that my $300 had grown to over $43,300.”
Bitcoin vai acabar com o dinheiro que usamos hoje em poucos anos, diz estrategista do Deutsche – InfoMoney
Veja mais em: https://www.infomoney.com.br/mercados/bitcoin/noticia/7068091/bitcoin-vai-acabar-com-dinheiro-que-usamos-hoje-poucos-anos?utm_campaign=bitcoin&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=58285052
Dear Reader,
You’ve probably seen how Bitcoin and several lesser-known cryptocurrencies have soared 5,772%… 7,092%… and even 11,664% and higher recently.
But if you’re like most people, you’re probably missing out on these life-changing windfalls.
I hope to change that tonight. Which is why, during my emergency briefing tonight, I’m giving away the name of one of my top picks for FREE.
I won’t spoil the surprise for you…
But I can say that it’s disrupting one of the biggest industries in the world…
And dozens of big companies – whose names you would recognize – have recently partnered with it.
This is great news, because cryptos almost always soar when the big players give them a stamp of approval.
Bitcoin was flat for years. But when online publishing platform WordPress started accepting it as payment, it took off.
Same thing for Ethereum.
When it started forming lucrative partnerships with big players, including IBM, Samsung, and Microsoft, it soared quadruple digits.
Now the same thing is happening with this digital currency… and it trades for under $1.
You’ll get the name of this pick tonight.
Plus, I’ll also give you a preview of another top pick.
My system just tagged it as a buy.
The last two times a crypto like this flashed the same signal, they soared as much as 208% in three months… and 1,522% in 8 months.
This one could do the same, and I’ll tell you all about it tonight.
We’re getting started in just a few hours… please take a few seconds to automatically register here.
A few weeks ago, I told my team that we needed to get the word out about a major Bitcoin development… something that could be very bullish for cryptocurrencies.
I won’t get into all the nitty-gritty.
But in short, a new bipartisan law is working its way through Congress as we speak, and is targeted to go into effect by January 1st.
When it does, it could send Bitcoin and a handful of lesser-known cryptos soaring in the coming weeks and months.
Why do I say that?
Because when the same law was passed in Europe, Bitcoin jumped 80% in two weeks.
And when a similar law passed in Japan earlier this year, it helped send the entire crypto market over 100%, and break out to all-time highs.
Now I believe we’re about to see the same thing here… only when this happens in America, the returns could dwarf what we’ve seen from smaller areas.
That’s why I’m holding an emergency briefing…
I want to give you all the details on this development… and explain how to take advantage of it to potentially make 5, 10, even 20 times your money – as those who follow my work have already been able to do.
In fact, I’m so bullish that this new law could send Bitcoin soaring that I’m buying $1 million dollars of Bitcoin and giving it all away during the event.
You’ll get all the details tomorrow night.
The event is completely free, but you must register in advance to access it and claim all the free training that comes with it.
You can do so automatically here.
I am a strong advocate of international diversification—such as holding multiple passports and offshore assets.
In short, international diversification frees you from absolute dependence on any one country. And this minimizes the State’s power to coerce you.
Bitcoin is an important part of this strategy. It’s an inherently international asset.
And it has incredible value as an international transfer mechanism. You can take any amount in and out of any country. You don’t need permission from any government.
You can also send it across any border—or any number of borders—as often as you want. And there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
I’ve seen this firsthand in Latin America, where governments use capital controls to trap money within their borders so they have more to steal.
Bitcoin helps people bypass these restrictions—because governments can’t freeze, seize, or block the transactions.
This is why bitcoin is such a disruptive and exciting technology, and why bitcoin should be a critical tool in your international diversification toolkit.
Bitcoin’s use is set to explode… and it could make you a fortune.
All the details are below in this must-read article from Teeka Tiwari. Teeka is a true expert on all things bitcoin. He has more connections and expertise on this topic than anyone else that I know of.
“Are you cheating on me?”
It’s 1 o’clock in the morning. I’ve been awake for 40 hours.
I just got off the plane from Berlin this afternoon. And I’ve been on nonstop Skype calls since coming home.
I had just wrapped up a video call with one of my Chinese cryptocurrency contacts when my wife confronted me with her suspicions.
I can’t blame her for being anxious. She’s barely seen me since early June…
Over the last six weeks, I’ve crossed six time zones. I’ve visited six cities on two continents.
“Honey, I don’t have the energy for another woman,” I joked.
She’s not amused. And she’s not the only one…
In all my years on Wall Street, I never missed my children’s birthdays. This year, I missed two of them.
Why would I be willing to risk the ire of not one, but three women? (Two of my daughters still live at home.)
That’s because it’s been 22 years since I’ve seen a bull market like the one we’re in now with cryptocurrencies.
I can’t overstate how profound this is…
I won’t blame you if you think bitcoin is just a fad.
Why would you put your trust in a digital construct like bitcoin? On the surface, it seems like madness. It flies in the face of sensible wealth building.
But consider this… Bitcoin is now eight years old. That’s three years older than the internet bubble. It’s outlived the real estate bubble… the financial crisis… and is now worth over $97 billion.
It’s up over 523% this year alone. So far, it’s outpaced the run-up in stocks, bonds, gold, and silver, by far.
Has the whole world gone mad? Is this just a “hyper” bubble?
We’re Not in a “Normal” World
I understand your reservations about cryptocurrencies like bitcoin…
In a “normal” world, I’d tell you bitcoin is a dumb idea. In a “normal” world, bitcoin would be nothing more than a geek-centric curiosity.
But we do not live in a normal world anymore…
That’s why I’m writing to you now. I want to show you why cryptocurrencies belong in everyone’s wealth-building plan.
We can thank the relentless power grab by the world’s governments and central banks for making bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies a viable financial product.
Let me explain…
As governments impose their will on the population… people will use digital currencies like bitcoin to win back their freedom of choice.
Whether it’s the loss of financial privacy… the devaluation of paper money… capital controls in China and elsewhere… or government-sponsored payment bans… digital currencies like bitcoin are stepping in to bridge the gap between what the people want… and what governments will “let” them have.
That’s why bitcoin is up over 523% this year. It meets a need that no other conventional asset can: freedom and anonymity.
As governments seek more and more control, they’re actually creating a bigger and bigger market for bitcoin and other digital currencies.
As we see governments trample citizens’ rights even further, it will be cryptocurrencies that step in to give us our freedom back.
I’ll leave you with this thought…
If you are a lover of personal freedom, then you owe it to yourself to get educated on how digital currencies can liberate you from the limitations, onerous fees, and stifling government regulation of our current payment systems.
Then join me tomorrow, November 2, for my special 90-minute cryptocurrency emergency briefing.
I’m calling it “The $1 Million Dollar Bitcoin Giveaway.” Everyone who attends will have a chance to claim their portion of this money.
During this event, I’ll have a mystery guest—one of the cofounders of the second most popular cryptocurrency in the market. And I’ll reveal the name of what I’m calling “the next big thing in cryptocurrencies.”
I’ll also be giving away a lot of my best training material for free. So even if you’re not sure cryptocurrencies are for you, I urge you to sign up just to get all the free material, and see what you think. You can automatically register right here.
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