Bitcoin Giveaway 2

Dear Reader,
I recently spoke to a crowd of several hundred people in Las Vegas about cryptocurrencies.
Whenever I’m asked to speak on this topic, I can’t tell you how many people tell me: “It’s too late to buy cryptocurrencies. The opportunity’s gone.”
I don’t blame people for thinking they’re too late.
After all, Bitcoin alone has soared 1,562% since I recommended it last year…
And overall, my picks have returned an average of 1,629% over the past 18 months.
But when you look closer, it’s clear that we have a long way to go.
Even with all the growth we’ve seen in the past year, cryptos still represent just 0.1% of all currencies.
The gold market alone is 38 times bigger!
As Bitcoin pioneer Charlie Shrem said during my emergency briefing:
“If Bitcoin can get 1% of the gold market, if 1% of all gold holders bought Bitcoin, you’d see a Bitcoin price over one million dollars for a coin.”
As of today, a single Bitcoin is trading over $7,000. So even if Charlie is half right… it’s clear that we’ve just scratched the surface.
Bottom line: If you’re looking for the chance to potentially turn a few hundred dollars into a small fortune, now’s the time to act.
I’ve put together a presentation that explains just how high I think Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies could go over the long haul – and how you can position yourself today to take full advantage.
Plus, I share all the details of a groundbreaking currency law that could send Bitcoin and several smaller cryptos soaring by January (when the EU passed a similar law, Bitcoin shot up 80% in two weeks).
There’s no charge to access this presentation, but it’s only available for the next few days.
We already removed my webinar from our website, so this presentation is your only way to access my latest ideas.
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