Empréstimo para empresas – 6 benefícios do crédito corporativo

Muitos são os motivos pelo qual as empresas precisam de empréstimos:

1- São mais baratos que os empréstimos pessoais;

Enquanto os juros do consignado giram ao redor de 2-3% ao mês, os juros corporativos começam em 1% ao mês.

2- Prazo de pagamento pode ser negociável;

Bancos permitem negociar os prazos de pagamento e até concedem carência a depender do perfil do cliente.

3 – Incorrendo no efeito tesoura;

4 – Possui dívidas descontroladas fazendo o caixa fechar mensalmente no negativo;

Por vezes a empresa não é deficitária, porém, mensalmente fecha no vermelho. Isto ocorre pois suas despesas estão com prazo desordenado, com um capital suficiente pra quita-las, será possível viver o dia a dia no azul

5 – Pagamento do décimo terceiro e outras despesas extraordinárias;

É comum que empresas precisem de capital extra pra arcar com as despesa do fim do ano, seja o décimo terceiro seja o aluguel dobrado em pontos comerciais em shopping.

6 – Permitir a expansão da linha produtiva e/ou contratação de maior força de trabalho.

Há situação pior que enxergar uma oportunidade e não poder aproveitá-la? O ladrão que rouba e não consegue carregar. Para isto há linhas de financiamento que permitem o investimento e a colheita de melhores frutos no futuro.

1 responder
  1. Seymour
    Seymour says:

    How’s it going, quartzo_investments?

    OK, I‘ve always wanted to be Instagram-famous, too.

    Well, today I will teach you some things that will change forever the way you Instagram.

    Imagine: It’s Friday morning and you’ve promised yourself you’d go for a run today.

    You pull out your cell.

    Opening up Instagram.

    Whoaaa, you think, Over 1000 likes on a single picture.

    You put your fuzzy slippers on and head to the kitchen for some tea. After putting on the kettle, you pull out your phone again.

    Bam! Another 38 likes.

    And another message just popped up. It is from one of your followers asking about your diet, and congratulating you on your third official month of eating healthy.

    The kettle blows and you pour your tea. When you flip out your phone, there’s another message–this time from a young girl–thanking you for posting. She follows you religiously and you are an inspiration.

    Within minutes, your phone buzzes AGAIN.

    Hmmm, ANOTHER message. You close your phone and throw it in the bag. Time for the gym.
    Let’s stop the simulation there. Most people have a hard time achieving what they want in life. People can hardly force themselves to eat a good breakfast.

    Now, let’s learn to take control of your Instagram.

    Now, what if you increased your popularity by 100%, or 1000%?

    It’s not complicated to do, although almost no one does. Just hit up our website. There, you’ll learn how to garner Instagram likes and followers like mad…easily.

    In just minutes after posting, we get your images piled with likes.

    With this you’ve a big chance to be featured in the “Top Post” section.

    Sound too good for reality? Here’s what you have got to do to get a taste:
    1. Click https://rhymbo.host
    2. Enter your Instagram username.
    3. The 3 pictures you posted last will receive 10 – 15 likes. Just like that.

    Being a regular staple on that page will supercharge your growth 10x, easy. You know where the answer to fame is. Now reach for it. Are you ready?

    Happy image-uploading.

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